martes, 24 de marzo de 2020

STORY: There is an alligator under my bed

Today I’m going to hang a story that I like a lot.... THERE IS AN ALLIGATOR UNDER MY BED.
Watch it and tell me if something similar happened to you when you were little.

28 comentarios:

  1. The voice sounds very funny and I like It very much, the cocodrile is quite interesting because it has to much scales. Javier A

  2. But, has it ever happened to you? I remember when I was little that sometimes I had nightmare similar to that one, but I never solved them as well as this boy does. He is so witty and clever!!!

  3. Now I am afraid of the night when I'm alone, it's not exactly like in the story but it's simillar. Eva Morales.

  4. I dont like the story but the idea is like of fantasy ideas.That never happend to me.

  5. I like the story, is very funny. When I was little, I thought that something was behind me and that thing was going to hurt me. This story have teach me a lesson, you don't have to be scared because you can face the problem. Leila Barreto.

  6. I like the story because teach you that nothing is going to happend to you at nigth.If you resol your problems do not pass the problem to other person.Íker

  7. I like when the boy guides the alligator to the garage with fruits and vegetables.

  8. I find the story quite interesting. I have had something similar but... I'd rather not tell.
    Lucía Echevarría.

  9. Something similar happened to me when i was little but when the closet door stayed open, imagined that there was a clown inside.MARIO

  10. I like it a lot. It's funny the idea and the form of taking the aligator out that had the boy.

  11. I like this story because the children overcame his fer
    (Sandra Delgado)

  12. I like a lot and is very funny when the boy put a note for his dady and mum.Violeta.

  13. The story is interesting and from my experience I can say that from our fears se see things that do not exist.

  14. I like the story and the music. It never happends to me.

  15. I like the story.One or two years ago a salamander got into my mum and dad bedroom when my sister was playing there. We put it in the window and the salamander went out.Mireia

  16. The story is just a tale. Alligators are carnivorous. The boy solves very well the problem. Sometimes nightmares arrives to me but when I wake up I tell it to my mother and scary disappear. I love the music of the story.

  17. Nothing like that ever happened to me,but I enjoyed it a lot.

  18. I don't like the story because it is very false, something like this has never happened to me.

  19. I am Camila. I like the story but it’s a little bit confuse because his parents cant’t see the alligator but , at the same time, the alligator eat the food!! That surprise me a lot!!
    And I think that the boy is very clever.

    Good Bye

  20. I'm Jacob Bueno I liked it, it was fun

  21. Hi, I'm Alejandra . I liked the video.

  22. The truth is that it seems to me a very nice story and it can be seen for example before bedtime. Anything similar has never happened to me but probably some children has ever had such a dream.
    By Sofi.

  23. I liked so much it reminds me when i was little. Now I face the problem :)

  24. Im Alessandro, the story is strange to me because ay the beginning i think that the alligator was a ghost,because the parents don’t see him.
