martes, 24 de marzo de 2020


Look at the different types of invertebrates. They are amazing because they are so weird, in so many different colours and shapes!!!

Are there any differences with your book?

7 comentarios:

  1. Hola, soy Eva.
    El vídeo me ha parecido muy interesante porque hay cosas muy chulas que no salen en el libro, pero tengo una pregunta:
    ¿Para el examen hay que estudiarse los grupos que hay dentro de los equinodermos, cinidarios...

    1. No, Eva. Videos can have lots of extra information, just listen to it. Some of the things in this video has been said in the classroom like that the jellyfish group is called the cnidarians, and also that an example of the annelids are the worms. We also learnt the three types of molluscs as examples.
      Anyway, the things that are in the books are the ones you need to learn.

  2. Hi! I`m Íker, there are some things that are not in the book, for example: gastropods and bivalve.

  3. Hello I'm Javier A, it was very interesting but at the same time was a litle bit confuse.

  4. I like it a lot. I see that it´s the same that in CLAN but in English.Violeta.

  5. I watched this video in the TV Sandra

  6. I found the video interesting and I have learned a little more.
