viernes, 5 de junio de 2020


This is the second time that I hang this entrance in here, for the three of you who are still looking for the Natural Science text. Remember to send it to me: if it ask you for the email of your teacher it is: In questions 3, 4 and 6, you need to trace lines.

  • Remember you have enough time. 
  • Read carefully the questions and the answers. Check them twice.
  • Forget about any other things and CONCENTRATE  only on this. 
  • Try to be alone in a quiet place not to be disturb. 
  • Click on the link  to have access to the exam. 
  • Good Luck!!! 🍀

BODY SYSTEMS EXAM UNIT 2 Natural Science 4th grade

2 comentarios:

  1. Hi Ana, how are you?i'm fine .I wanted to tell you that in exercise five of the exam,i think i have it right and it gives me a bad.One kiss.
