martes, 23 de junio de 2020


Cuando se trabaja en equipo el resultado final suele ser positivo, prueba de ello son estos dos cuentos fruto de vuestra participación.
Esperamos que disfrutéis con su lectura.

Si los quieres leer, PINCHA AQUÍ

viernes, 19 de junio de 2020

Goodbye and Have A Great Summer!

Hello hello everyone!

It's Victoria! I didn't want the school year to end without telling you how lucky I feel to have spent time with each and every one of you. You are all incredible people and I wish you so much luck in the future. Congratulations on all your hard work this year!!! I hope you have an amazing, relaxing summer because you deserve it!!! This is goodbye for now, but I hope we'll see each other again one day 😃 And keep practicing your English this summer 😛

martes, 16 de junio de 2020

CALIFORNIA: The Golden State

Victoria ha hecho este Powerpoint para que conozcais más CALIFORNIA, el estado de USA donde nació y vivió hasta que vino a Madrid. También es el estado en el que viven sus padres y al que pronto regresará. Al final hay unas preguntas para ver si has comprendido la explicación. Quizás tengas que verlo varias veces, antes de poder contestar. Pincha en este enlace para acceder:

California Parque De Estilo Postal


Recomienda a los compañeros un libro que te haya gustado.
Diles el porqué ha sido especial para ti.
Si les convencen vuestras explicaciones, probablemente los lean este verano!!!
Tendréis que incluir la recomendación como un comentario.

Read to Succeed-MSU Student Literacy Corps - Capital Area LiteracyNo Sin Mi Libro: noviembre 2015

domingo, 7 de junio de 2020


A balance diet includes a wide variety of foods with all the different nutrientes.

There are different types of nutrients: vitamins and minerals, carbohydrates, proteins and fats.. Each type of nutrient helps your body in a different way.

VITAMINS AND MINERALS are found mainly in the fruit and vegetables. It keeps you healthy.

CARBOHYDRATES are mainly found in cereals. It gives you energy.

PROTEINS are mainly found in the products that come from the animals (meat, fish, eggs and dairy products),  and in the pulse (beans, lentils, chickpeas). It helps you to grow strong.

FATS and other nutrients we don't need so often. It gives you extra energy!!!! Eat then only when you have extra activity!!!

viernes, 5 de junio de 2020


This is the second time that I hang this entrance in here, for the three of you who are still looking for the Natural Science text. Remember to send it to me: if it ask you for the email of your teacher it is: In questions 3, 4 and 6, you need to trace lines.

  • Remember you have enough time. 
  • Read carefully the questions and the answers. Check them twice.
  • Forget about any other things and CONCENTRATE  only on this. 
  • Try to be alone in a quiet place not to be disturb. 
  • Click on the link  to have access to the exam. 
  • Good Luck!!! 🍀

BODY SYSTEMS EXAM UNIT 2 Natural Science 4th grade