domingo, 10 de mayo de 2020


Dear Kids,

This week (from the 11th to 15th of May), we have a big project: learning how to make a presentation with a tool called POWERPOINT. Isn't it exciting?!!!
Victoria is going to teach you how to do it. The following week (from the 18th to 22nd of May), when everybody has already learnt to use it, you are going to create your own PowerPoint on the unit we are learning in Social Science: WATER. 

  • From the 11th to 15th of May: Learn how to use PowerPoint, practice, understand the different possibilities of the tool, and ask Victoria any doubts you might have. You can contact Victoria here:
  • From the 18th to 22nd of May: Create your own PowerPoint titled "Water," based on unit 3 of Social Science.
  • 22nd of May: Last day to send me your own Water PowerPoint. This PowerPoint will be the exam of unit 3
So, you can start with clicking here to see the tutorial called "About PowerPoint" first.

Once you know a little more about PowerPoint, you can click here to watch "Making A PowerPoint." Remember, you can click "pause" and go back in the video as many times as you need, or if the video goes too quickly for you.

And finally, click here to see the finished PowerPoint on Body Systems. Use it to help with organising your own PowerPoint or to study!

1 comentario:

  1. ¿Se puede hacer un vídeo en el que tu estas haciendo la presentación y después mandártelo? Eva
