domingo, 24 de mayo de 2020


The reproductive system allows humans to make more living things of the same type.
Everything starts with two cells: a sperm (made by the male reproductive organs) and an ovule or egg (made by the female reproductive organs).

Next video is the whole process of creating a new human: from fertilization to the newborn baby. A summary of the nine moths into 15 minutes!!!


This unit is going to be very short. We are going to learn what is a mineral and what is a rock, the rock cycle and the uses of minerals and rocks.

There are three types of rocks: igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic.

What is a mineral? What is a rock?
Here there is a brief introduction to what is a mineral:

The summary of the most important things in the unit is here.....

After reading the story of Timanfaya in your book, pages 62 and 63, have a look to the real images of the Island of Lanzarote where the Timanfaya volcano is.

jueves, 21 de mayo de 2020


In Unit 9 we are going to learn the PRESENT PERFECT: It is made up with:

A PERSON (I,you, he,...Molly) + HAVE/HAS + PAST PARTICIPLE (Do you remember the third column in irregular verbs, that I told you that till the end of the year you were not going to know what to used it for? Here it is!!! Now we are going to use it!!!!

Next video is like my explanation in the class.

Now, here you have some practice of the third column of the irregular verbs!!! Guess the missing word of the following questions:

lunes, 18 de mayo de 2020


Si quieres mejorar tu ortografía, atrévete con estos juegos que te propone el famoso detective Watson.



Listen carefully to the explanation or the nervous systems.


We are going to work the technique of pointillism to cultivate your patience. Remember to take your time, and never be in a rush for Arts. You can paint the four circles like in the video, or you can choose any other shape. Use, if possible, the felt-tips in two of them and the tempera in the other two: and practice the shading (with black and white) , the blending (with two analogous colours and the transitions between colours. Good Luck!! I'm dying to watch the results right now!! The tutorial is here:

domingo, 10 de mayo de 2020


I have found a song about the topic of the week "The Rivers". I hope you like it. But first, the explanation....

And now, the song!!!


Watch this two videos to observe how your lungs and alveoli work. Remember that they are so important that they are protected by the ribs.

Here there is another one, to clarify your ideas....


Dear Kids,

This week (from the 11th to 15th of May), we have a big project: learning how to make a presentation with a tool called POWERPOINT. Isn't it exciting?!!!
Victoria is going to teach you how to do it. The following week (from the 18th to 22nd of May), when everybody has already learnt to use it, you are going to create your own PowerPoint on the unit we are learning in Social Science: WATER. 

  • From the 11th to 15th of May: Learn how to use PowerPoint, practice, understand the different possibilities of the tool, and ask Victoria any doubts you might have. You can contact Victoria here:
  • From the 18th to 22nd of May: Create your own PowerPoint titled "Water," based on unit 3 of Social Science.
  • 22nd of May: Last day to send me your own Water PowerPoint. This PowerPoint will be the exam of unit 3
So, you can start with clicking here to see the tutorial called "About PowerPoint" first.

Once you know a little more about PowerPoint, you can click here to watch "Making A PowerPoint." Remember, you can click "pause" and go back in the video as many times as you need, or if the video goes too quickly for you.

And finally, click here to see the finished PowerPoint on Body Systems. Use it to help with organising your own PowerPoint or to study!

jueves, 7 de mayo de 2020

lunes, 4 de mayo de 2020


What is Groundwater? Where is it? There I leave a video that may clarify your ideas.


Watch this video. It's so interesting!!!
Have you ever thought how the oxygen that enters into your body through the lungs, and the nutrients absorbed by the blood vessels of the small intestine get to your leg so you can jump? You are going to find the answer here!!!

There are hundreds of videos similar to these in you tube. You can watch them to learn more and understand better how your body works!!!!

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