jueves, 30 de abril de 2020

STAYIN' INSIDE by the Bee Gees

Listen to this song, Can you learn to sing it? Challenge:  record a video of your own singing it, and I will hang it in our blog. The music is from a band "The Bee Gees", from the 70's. ENJOY!! (special task for Isaac, who requested it)

Have a great long weekend singing with the Bee Gees!!


Os dejamos un montón de ideas para sorprender a vuestras madres.

Pincha aquí

miércoles, 29 de abril de 2020


Aquí vamos a ir colgando los vídeos de teatro que nos vayáis mandando para que podías disfrutar con el trabajo de vuestros compañeros.

Pincha aquí

viernes, 24 de abril de 2020


You can watch this video to understand better the excretory system or the urinary system. 

Urine is the pee!!!, but what is URINE made up of? Urine is make up of the waste products that carry the blood when it is filter in the kidneys plus the excess of water in your body. The urine is produced in the kidneys, then it goes through the ureters Into the bladder. When the bladder is full of urine, you need to go to the toilet. The urine goes out of your body through a tube called urethra.

lunes, 20 de abril de 2020


Este árbol del amor lo han hecho Daniela y Maria, después de reflexionar en familia sobre cualidades que de deben prevalecer en la convivencia. Lo han hecho guiándose por el enlace que compartimos con todos vosotros: amar_cuando_mas_se_necesita.pdf

domingo, 19 de abril de 2020


Here there is a revision of the water cycle. It has more vocabulary than you need, but the idea is the same.
The first video is an easy one... for first or second graders.


The second video is more complete, ... it is for fifth or sixth graders, almost like you.


Hello everyone!!!

For several weeks we are going to review many things about the human body that we already studied last year. This year is only a revision of the vocabulary of the different organs in our body and their functions.

You don't have to watch all the video in one session. You can break it in parts:
From the very beginning to minute 1:42 you will find an introduction.
From 1:42 to 2:08, you will find information about the skeleton.
From 2:08 to 2:47, you will find information about the nervous system.
From 2:47 to 3:09, you will find information about the muscular system.
From 3:09 to 5:05, you will find information about the circulatory system.
From 5:05 to 5:53, you will find information about the excretory system.
From 5:53 to 9:05, you will find information about the respiratory system.
From 9:05 to 16:13, you will find information about the digestive system.
From 16:13 to 26:30, you will find information about the five senses.
From 26:30 to 31:22, you will see a quiz.
From 31:30 to the end, there are some revision activities.

I hope you learn a lot with the video.


Los monitores del Grupo Tucán, con los que íbamos a realizar la excursión "Fin de curso", nos han mandado este juego para que lo hagáis en casa con vuestras familias.

Para acceder al juego y sus reglas:

miércoles, 15 de abril de 2020

Esta nueva canción tiene muchas tonterías que la hacen graciosa. Las entendéis? Se titula "Soy tu profesor de inglés", y en ella te darás cuenta de por qué son tan importantes los acentos en español. Jejeje!!!

lunes, 6 de abril de 2020


 This is lots of fun and a poem!!! Have you ever eaten green eggs? Look what happens in the story....

viernes, 3 de abril de 2020


Now that Easter holidays has just started, I suggest you to learn this beautiful song. It speaks about the time when we see each other again. Try to learn it!!!

The title of the song is See You Again, and the singer is Wiz Khalifa. I hope you like it!